Diep Pham : Vietnamita
Diep Pham
Vietnamita Native
Clases: 6
Última clase: 2+ dias
 1 100% Positiva
£16.77 / €20.27 / $22.07
Prueba: Gratis
 Hola, mi nombre es Diep Pham y soy un tutor de Vietnamita con experiencia que actualmente vive en VietNam. He estado enseñando Vietnamita en línea desde octubre 2016. Actualmente estoy ofreciendo una lección de prueba de prueba gratis para los nuevos estudiantes. 
Mi último reseñas
tutor Gwain
Acerca de mí - Inglés

Chào mọi người!

I am a Vietnamese linguist who loves teaching, learning, and translating, all involving languages. I have been traveling the world, studying, and now back to Vietnam in the beautiful city of Danang.

And I am currently a learner of Spanish.

I can't wait to help you learn Vietnamese -- why not book a free trial class with me today?

Certificaciones y experiencia

I studied linguistics at Vietnam National University (BA) and San Diego State University (MA)

I also finished a one-year course in Film Studies at VNU.

As a Vietnamese instructor, I have taught foreign students at VNU and SDSU. At SDSU, I was responsible for the content, grading, assessment of Vietnamese sub-department.

As a translator, I have four books published by Nha Nam JSC:

"The Old Man Who Read Love Stories" --- Lão già mê đọc truyện tình

"The Tale of Despereaux" --- Chuyện Despereaux

"Cathedral" --- Thánh đường

"Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" --- Rebecca ở trang trại Suối Nắng

As an author, I will soon have my first children book published by Tre Publishing House.

Método de enseñanza

I have learnt and put into practice various approaches to teaching languages. Task-based approach. Immersion. Communicative approach. Etc.

The best way to teach, I found out, is to understand my student's goals, strengths and weaknesses, and to choose the most suitable method for them.

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