Peter Murray : Sueco
Peter Murray
Sueco Native
Clases: 48
Última clase: 2+ dias
 6 100% Positiva
£20.43 / €24.54 / $26.73
Prueba: 50% Descuento
 Hola, mi nombre es Peter Murray y soy un tutor de Sueco con experiencia que actualmente vive en Suecia. He estado enseñando Sueco en línea desde marzo 2022. Actualmente estoy ofreciendo una lección de prueba con un 50% de descuento en el precio de mi lección normal para los nuevos estudiantes. 
Mi último reseñas
tutor Christopher L
tutor Christopher L
tutor Rosa C
 I always enjoy our lessons.  
tutor Rosa C
 loving the lessons, easy and fun 
tutor Rosa C
 great lesson 
tutor Rosa C
 Great start, hoping to keep the lessons going 
  (6) Reseñas
Acerca de mí - Inglés

Hi there! My name is Peter Murray, 40 years old, Swedish native, living in Stockholm, Sweden.

I enjoy movies, music, books and running.

Certificaciones y experiencia

I originally set out to be a TEFL teacher but ended up teaching Swedish instead and I love it!

I've been teaching Swedish for 5 years now, giving group lessons and private lessons both in the classroom and online.

I have taught people from all over the world,

Método de enseñanza

Hope to hear from you whether you're a complete beginner or already know some Swedish - I enjoy and have experience teaching students at different levels.

I believe in a casual and relaxed teaching enviroment for you to progress quickly learning Swedish. I will tailor the lessons according to your preferences and guide you to the online resources you need. If you so desire, I can show you some excellent text books and exercise books to work with as well,

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