Anna Hellberg : Finlandés
Anna Hellberg
Finlandés Native
Clases: 0
 Sin Datos
£31.93 / €37.98 / $41.37
Prueba: 50% Descuento
 Hola, mi nombre es Anna Hellberg y soy un tutor de Finlandés con experiencia que actualmente vive en Corea del Sur. He estado enseñando Finlandés en línea desde febrero 2024. Actualmente estoy ofreciendo una lección de prueba con un 50% de descuento en el precio de mi lección normal para los nuevos estudiantes. 
Encuéntrame en
Acerca de mí - Inglés

Hi! My name is Anna, I’m a Finn currently living in South Korea.

I’m passionate about languages and I’d love to share this passion with you by helping you learn and get confident as a Finnish-speaker.

I have a background in journalism and communication and at the moment I study filmmaking in Seoul.

Certificaciones y experiencia

I’ve worked as a language teacher for both kids and adults, and I self study languages myself.

I’m native in Finnish and Swedish, fluent in English and Korean (한국인이라면 한국말로 가르쳐줄게요!) and a bit rusty but quite conversational in French.

Método de enseñanza

My philosophy for language learning consists of two pillars:

1. A versatile variety of input and practice, with different levels of effort required.

2. Free speaking.

Speaking is the missing piece of most conventional language learning. It’s also for sure the scariest part. I would love to help you gain confidence as a Finnish speaker (even if you are a total beginner) so that you can have positive interactions actually putting to use the things you have learned.

We can personalize the lessons according to your wishes. We can use books, sure, but also films, youtube, cartoons, memes, podcasts, news and so on. During the lessons we will make a list of new words and expressions, and rehearse them in the next lessons until they are a natural part of your active vocabulary. If you'd like, I can give fun homework or challeges to complete before the next lesson.

I also like giving tips to life in Finland and share experiences about living abroad.

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Aprenda un nuevo idioma en línea hoy

Profesores de habla nativa

Buenos precios

La mejor flexibilidad

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