Markéta Jelínková : Checo
Markéta Jelínková
Checo Native
Clases: 5
Última clase: 2+ dias
 1 100% Positiva
£24.26 / €29.02 / $31.61
Prueba: Gratis
 Hola, mi nombre es Markéta Jelínková y soy un tutor de Checo con experiencia que actualmente vive en República Checa. He estado enseñando Checo en línea desde marzo 2020. Actualmente estoy ofreciendo una lección de prueba de prueba gratis para los nuevos estudiantes. 
Mi último reseñas
tutor Namingo
 Learning with Markéta is a lot of fun. She is patient, explains the grammer from different angles and brings ideas how to improve language skills. I can recommend her definitely :) 
Acerca de mí - Inglés

I´m a native Czech professional teacher with more than 13 years of experience in teaching in the Czech Republic and Germany and offer online classes for anyone who needs to improve their language skills.

I know that learning a new language can be quite difficult. However, I can assure you I work slowly and allow you to discover the language in a fun and interactive way.

Certificaciones y experiencia

- Westbohemian University, Pilsen, Czech Republic: Master's degree in teaching Czech language

- Universität Regensburg, Institut für Slavistik, Germany

- Certificate: Czech for Foreigners

- 2011 - current: hight school Czech teacher, Pilsen, Czech Republic

- 2010 - current - Czech for foreigners-teacher, Centrum Bavaria Bohemia, Schönsee, Germany

- 2007 - 2019: Czech for foreigners-teacher, Westbohemian University, Pilsen, Czech Republic

- 2007 - current: private classes&language schools in Pilsen, Czech Republic

Método de enseñanza

My approach is very informal and friendly, based on activities and explanation not only the Czech language but the whole Czech culture. I always tailor my lessons to each student's preference using various methods to cover all aspects of the language as vocabulary, grammar, reading and conversation skills. Feel free to contact me.

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Profesores de habla nativa

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