Marta Žigrović : Croata
Marta Žigrović
Croata Native
Clases: 1
 Sin Datos
£24.26 / €29.02 / $31.61
Prueba: Gratis
 Hola, mi nombre es Marta Žigrović y soy un tutor de Croata con experiencia que actualmente vive en Croacia. He estado enseñando Croata en línea desde febrero 2024. Actualmente estoy ofreciendo una lección de prueba de prueba gratis para los nuevos estudiantes. 
Acerca de mí - Inglés

Hello, dear students!

My name is Marta and I come from Croatia, from a small town called Koprivnica, famous for Vegeta and LinoLada (check the nearest Croatian store :) ).

I have a Master's degree in Croatian language and literature and Pedagogy from the University of Zagreb and I have specialized in teaching Croatian. I LOVE teaching Croatian as a foreign language because it gives me new perspectives on the language and it's very dynamic.

Certificaciones y experiencia

I have a master degree in Croatian Language and Literature and Pedagogy. I also have 4-years experience of teaching Croatian as a foreign language, first for the school under the University of Zagreb, and then for one private Croatian school.

Método de enseñanza

I would love to hear about your goals and that is my direction for creating real-life materials a.k.a. videos, audio files, pictures, songs and so much more in a structured way that will help you achieve your goals in Croatian.

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