Mireia Ibanez Cid : Catalán
Mireia Ibanez Cid
Catalán Native
Clases: 1
 Sin Datos
£22.35 / €26.78 / $29.17
Prueba: Gratis
 Hola, mi nombre es Mireia Ibanez Cid y soy un tutor de Catalán con experiencia que actualmente vive en España. He estado enseñando Catalán en línea desde septiembre 2023. Actualmente estoy ofreciendo una lección de prueba de prueba gratis para los nuevos estudiantes. 
Encuéntrame en
Acerca de mí - Catalán

Bon dia!

My name is Mireia, and I am a native Catalan teacher and linguist. As a linguist, I spent several years of my life studying the Catalan language at university, and currently I work as a Catalan proofreader at one of Catalonia’s most prestigious newspapers. Aside from that, I also have a Master’s degree in Language Teaching and I have taught languages at the Spain’s public education system, for companies and in private lessons. I speak English, French and Spanish fluently, and I am currently learning Russian.

As you can see, not only am I passionate about languages, but I also work with them at a professional level (be it as a proofreader/translator or as a teacher), so I really hope I can transmit my motivation to you!

Certificaciones y experiencia

I have taught languages (Catalan, French and English) at Spain's public education system for two years, and I have been providing private lessons since 2018.

Método de enseñanza

After studying languages and the pedagogy of languages for many years of my life, I have come across what I consider the best method for learning: a perfect balance between theoretical knowledge (grammar, syntax, vocabulary…) and hands-on experience. And by hands-on experience I do not only mean the so-called “oral expression”, but also learning about society and Catalan culture. I love introducing cultural elements in my lessons, such as songs, news, fragments of books, movies and Catalan TV series. We will not only learn about them during the lessons, but I will also provide you with resources and recommendations so you can explore them at your own pace.

The other key element that I found is essential for successful language learning (and believe me, I have taught teenagers!) is *motivation**. So I really strive to tailor my lessons to your needs and interests. From here, I will adapt my lessons as much as possible so that you can reach your goals while having a good time.

Volver arriba
Todas las observaciones de los alumnos

Empezar ahora
Aprenda un nuevo idioma en línea hoy

Profesores de habla nativa

Buenos precios

La mejor flexibilidad

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