Muhammad Sohail : Urdu
Muhammad Sohail
Urdu Native
Klassen: 1
Letzte klasse: 2+ tage
 Keine Daten
£16.77 / €20.27 / $22.07
Probe: Kostenlos
 Hallo, mein Name ist Muhammad Sohail und ich bin ein erfahrener Urdu lehrer, der derzeit in Pakistan lebt. Ich unterrichte Urdu seit Oktober 2022. Ich biete derzeit eine kostenlose erste Probestunde für neue Schüler. 
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Über mich - Englisch

Hello everyone! My name is Sohail, and I am a native-born Pakistani. I enjoy talking about everyday topics, from Poetry or literature, culture to history, from music to food. I will help you in achieving your language goal with my own designed material in a very friendly environment I look forward to sharing my knowledge of languages with you!


Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

Have a professional certification for teaching Urdu language

Have 3 years of experience teaching language

I work as an Urdu Language Teacher for Foreign Students in Lahore, Pakistan


My goal is to help your confidence in your target language. I like to focus on the conversation because this is the best way to learn a language. We can do writing assignments as well and go over sentence structure, grammar and vocabulary together as a way to strengthen your abilities with my own designed material.

The first lesson is basically to get to know you, your learning goals, and your difficulties, and I will provide an outline of what areas you need to improve. I am open to answering your questions even outside class hours.

I follow the most up-to-date teaching methods in my classes to engage my students in their studies and keep them eager to advance in their learning. I am blessed that my job also requires me to keep myself updated. As the teacher, I try to provide some lesson-related fun stories, pieces of poetry, a clip or whatever that changes the atmosphere of the classes, refreshes students, and keeps them on track with learning. Learning through different materials, e.g. books, films, and digital devices, also provides students with a hard-to-forget non-tedious learning experience. I endeavour to transfer the contents of teaching in new idiosyncratic ways.

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