Ursula German : Deutsch
Ursula German
Deutsch Native
Klassen: 646
Letzte klasse: Heute
 37 100% Positiv
£38.76 / €45.97 / $50.07
Probe: 50% Rabatt
 Hallo, mein Name ist Ursula German und ich bin ein erfahrener Deutsch lehrer, der derzeit in Vereinigte Staaten lebt. Ich unterrichte Deutsch seit Mai 2016. Ich biete derzeit eine ermäßigte erste Probestunde mit 50% Rabatt auf meinem normalen Unterrichtspreis für neue Schüler. 
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tutor Martha S
United States
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tutor Martha S
United States
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tutor Martha S
United States
 Thank you! 
tutor Martha S
United States
tutor Martha S
United States
tutor Martha S
United States
  (37) Bewertungen
Über mich - Englisch

I am a German native familiar with various languages and cultures. Therefore, I understand the difficulties students face when learning another language.

I have lived in three different countries for extended periods and have taught countless students from all over the world. I have lived in the U.S. for twenty years and am currently teaching all classes online but would also be willing to teach at a mutually acceptable location upon special request.


Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

My special education as a translator/interpreter enables me to go beyond just speaking German as my native language or English as my second language, and I am able to understand students and their difficulties in learning the language and have successfully helped many students reach their goals.

After completing my formal education as an interpreter/translator in Munich, Germany, I moved to Austria and worked for the United Nations' International Atomic Energy Agency, headquartered in Vienna, Austria. In 1999, I married an American citizen and have since been living in the United States. I have worked in both international and local government as well as the corporate world and have many years of experience as a private German and English (ESL/EFL) tutor, both part-time and full-time.

Since 2014, I have been teaching languages full-time and have taught ages 5-83 from many different backgrounds. I would love to help you with your German or English language studies and find great satisfaction in improving your ability to express yourself in a foreign language.


I believe in a student-centered approach, but I happily provide students with the direction and motivation for successful language acquisition. I incorporate many different techniques and methods into the classroom to give each student ample room to find their individual most effective ways to acquire and master the language.

My sessions are very structured but not rigid. I am very patient, engaging and provide many opportunities for practice and repetition in a relaxed, fun atmosphere. Currently, I even offer free trials!

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Über mich - Deutsch

Als deutsche Muttersprachlerin mit Auslandserfahrung lebe und arbeite ich derzeit in den USA und unterrichte Schüler aus aller Welt.


I am a German native familiar with various languages and cultures. Therefore, I understand the difficulties students face when learning another language.

I have lived in three different countries for extended periods and have taught countless students from all over the world. I have lived in the U.S. for twenty years and am currently teaching all classes online but would also be willing to teach at a mutually acceptable location upon special request.


Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

Aufgrund meiner Ausbildung und Berufserfahrung als Übersetzerin und Dolmetscherin kann deine Sprachschwierigkeiten sehr gut verstehen und auch sehr geduldig sein.

My special education as a translator/interpreter enables me to go beyond just speaking German as my native language or English as my second language, and I am able to understand students and their difficulties in learning the language and have successfully helped many students reach their goals.

After completing my formal education as an interpreter/translator in Munich, Germany, I moved to Austria and worked for the United Nations' International Atomic Energy Agency, headquartered in Vienna, Austria. In 1999, I married an American citizen and have since been living in the United States. I have worked in both international and local government as well as the corporate world and have many years of experience as a private German and English (ESL/EFL) tutor, both part-time and full-time.

Since 2014, I have been teaching languages full-time and have taught ages 5-83 from many different backgrounds. I would love to help you with your German or English language studies and find great satisfaction in improving your ability to express yourself in a foreign language. My special education as a translator/interpreter enables me to go beyond just speaking German as my native language or English as my second language, and I am able to understand students and their difficulties in learning the language and have successfully helped many students reach their goals.

After completing my formal education as an interpreter/translator in Munich, Germany, I moved to Austria and worked for the United Nations' International Atomic Energy Agency, headquartered in Vienna, Austria. In 1999, I married an American citizen and have since been living in the United States. I have worked in both international and local government as well as the corporate world and have many years of experience as a private German and English (ESL/EFL) tutor, both part-time and full-time.

Since 2014, I have been teaching languages full-time and have taught ages 5-85 from many different backgrounds. I would love to help you with your German or English language studies and find great satisfaction in improving your ability to express yourself in a foreign language.


Mein Unterricht ist sehr Schüler-orientiert, ziemlich entspannt und kommunikativ. Versuch es doch mal mit einem kostenlosen Probeunterricht!

I believe in a student-centered approach, but I happily provide students with the direction and motivation for successful language acquisition. I incorporate many different techniques and methods into the classroom to give each student ample room to find their individual most effective ways to acquire and master the language.

My sessions are very structured but not rigid. I am very patient and engaging, and I provide many opportunities for practice and repetition in a relaxed, fun atmosphere. Currently, I even offer free trials!

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