Elizabeth Hamilton-Smyth : Englisch
Elizabeth Hamilton-Smyth
Englisch Native
Klassen: 3602
Letzte klasse: Heute
 253 100% Positiv
£24.22 / €28.97 / $31.55
Probe: 50% Rabatt
 Hallo, mein Name ist Elizabeth Hamilton-Smyth und ich bin ein erfahrener Englisch lehrer, der derzeit in Vereinigtes Königreich lebt. Ich unterrichte Englisch seit März 2014. Ich biete derzeit eine ermäßigte erste Probestunde mit 50% Rabatt auf meinem normalen Unterrichtspreis für neue Schüler. 
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Mein aktuelles Feedback
tutor Elenina
 Very nice conversation, really useful for practing English. Elizabeth was available and a very nice person! 
tutor Simoes2023
 This class with the support materials brought me a deep understanding of the subject of the class. 
tutor Simoes2023
 The teacher is dynamic and enthusiastic about what she teaches. I feel comfortable sharing my doubts during class. 
tutor DorisSpiessl
 Elizabeth is a great teacher and a fantastic person as well. I like her way of teaching. Not only I could improve my English, but also I m looking forward to talking to her.  
tutor elkuch
 Thank you Elizabeth. You are doing a good job. Talking to you in this way was exactly what I was looking for. I am optimistic to improve my conversational English.  
tutor fabrizia
  (253) Bewertungen
Über mich - Englisch

Hello! I am English and I live in the South-west of England with my six cats! I have been teaching English on Skype for nine years.

Being the daughter of a journalist and author, language has always been my passion and apart from teaching English, I am also a part-time author and translator.

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

Education and Qualifications:

2010 CELTA

2009 Cert. TEFL/TESOL

Work Experience:

2013- Present Online English language school teaching via Skype

2009 -Present Online English language school teaching via Skype

2007- Present Independent translator

English teaching to foreign students covering all aspects of the English language. Specialising in Business English as well as exam preparation for English proficiency exams such as IELTS/TOEFL and the Cambridge Examinations.


I use various methods and adapt easily to my students’ needs, encouraging self-confidence which enables them to engage in communication. I always try to find solutions if there is a problem by giving clear and specific examples and explanations of certain situations. I believe that learning a language should be a fun and enjoyable adventure and an opportunity to share with each other our culture, customs and traditions.

I specialise in business English having run my own manufacturing company for twenty years before qualifying as a teacher of English as a foreign language. In my spare time I enjoy studying French, a language I have been learning for more than seventeen years. I like reading, theatre and current affairs.

Thank you for reading this brief introduction and I look forward to helping you master the English language

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Über mich - Französisch

Bonjour ! Je suis anglaise et j'habite dans le sud-ouest de l'Angleterre au bord de la mer avec mes six chats !

Je donne des cours d'anglais sur Skype depuis neuf ans. Je suis également écrivaine et traductrice .

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

Education and Qualifications

2010 CELTA

2009 Cert. TEFL/TESOL

Work Experience:

2013- Present Online English language school teaching via Skype

2009 -Present Online English language school teaching via Skype

2007- Present Independent translator

English teaching to foreign students covering all aspects of the English

language. Specialising in Business English as well as exam preparation for English

proficiency exams such as IELTS/TOEFL and the Cambridge Examinations.


J'enseigne également l'anglais des affaires. Je donne des cours particuliers aux adultes de tous les niveaux. Mon approche est centrée sur la demande de l'apprenant, ma méthode est interactive. J'adapte mon enseignement pour être au plus proche des besoins de l'étudiant. J'ai beaucoup de patience et je tente toujours de trouver des solutions s'il y a un problème, en donnant des explications claires.

J'encourage au maximum la confiance en soi afin que mes élèves se sentent à leur aise pour prendre des risques et se lancer dans la communication. Je vous aiderai à maîtriser tous les aspects de la langue, à enrichir votre vocabulaire et vous suggérerai de nouvelles façons de vous exprimer. Il est également l'occasion de partager avec l'autre une culture et ainsi de suite.

Au plaisir de bientôt travailler avec vous et de vous aider à acquérir une parfaite maîtrise de la langue anglaise !

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