Hallo, mein Name ist Marie Brinch Johnsen und ich bin ein erfahrener Dänisch lehrer, der derzeit in Dänemark lebt. Ich unterrichte Dänisch seit Mai 2023. Ich biete derzeit eine kostenlose erste Probestunde für neue Schüler.
Einfache Online-Buchung
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Analyse und Feedback
Schnelle Beurteilung Ihrer Sprachkenntnisse. Eine Sprache zu lernen ist einfacher, wenn wir zusammen lernen. Sofortiges Feedback von einem Muttersprachler ist eine großartige Möglichkeit, Ihren Fortschritt zu überwachen, sich auf Problembereiche zu konzentrieren und während des Studiums motiviert zu bleiben.
Fangen Sie noch heute an
Wir haben Tausenden von Studenten auf der ganzen Welt geholfen, das Sprachenlernen zum Leben zu erwecken, und wir können Ihnen auch dabei helfen, Ihre Sprachziele zu erreichen.
Über mich - Englisch
With me as your tutor, a lesson usually includes a mix of oral and written exercises. I typically create my own teaching materials, which include quizzes, translation exercises, reading exercises, and conversation exercises. A typical lesson would focus on a single topic or theme, such as how to introduce yourself, or how to count, depending on your preferences. As I take a personal and unique approach to my work with each student, the lesson can be tailored to your specific needs and interests. There is a great deal of importance to the student-teacher relationship. I offer lessons to people of all ages and backgrounds. Although I have mostly tutored young people between the ages of 10 and 25, I highly encourage adults to contact me as well.
Abschlüsse und Erfahrung
I am originally from Denmark, and I have been living in the UK for 5 years. I am currently studying at the University of Aberdeen for my Master's degree in English and Film Studies. After I finish my university studies, I hope to become a secondary school teacher. Teaching has always been my passion and I have had nothing but good experiences tutoring in the past. It gives me great joy to see how tutoring can make a difference in someone's life and how much joy it can bring them to learn a new language. I find it a great joy and gift to be able to make such a difference in someone's life. It may sound cheesy, but tutoring is often something I enjoy so much that I don't consider it a job, but rather a chance to share knowledge with another person.
As a tutor, I have experience working with dyslexic and autistic children. Furthermore, I have experience teaching young refugees. Past students included secondary and primary school students as well as people working outside of academia, such as construction workers. I have been teaching Danish and English lessons for about four years now.
As a Master's student of English at Aberdeen University, I am fluent in both English and Danish.
I do quizzes, mock exams, oral and written exercises
Bachelor: Englsih, Film and Visual Culture. Year 1 - 2019-2020 - University of Aberdeen.
Gennem mit frivillige arbejde for diverse organisationer, såsom Røde Kors og Amnesty International, har jeg opnået, og tilegnet mig, interpersonelle kommunikationsevner, og sociale kompetencer. Det, at arbejde som ”facer” i forbindelse med Amnesty, har lært mig, at henvende mig til andre mennesker, på en imødekommende og forstående måde.
Mine erfaringer fra jobbet som frivillig underviser og mentor på Vejle Ungdomsskole, hvor jeg hovedsagligt underviste syriske flygtninge, gør mig ligeså i stand til at kunne godt sammen med mennesker, hvis baggrund adskiller sig fra min egen.
Til trods for min relativt unge alder, er jeg sikker på, at jeg vil være i stand til at udfylde rollen, som den imødekommende og hjælpsomme lektiehjælper.
Mange tak for Deres opmærksomhed og mulige betragtning,
Marie Johnsen.
Abschlüsse und Erfahrung
Mine erfaringer fra jobbet som frivillig underviser og mentor på Vejle Ungdomsskole, hvor jeg hovedsagligt underviste syriske flygtninge, gør mig ligeså i stand til at kunne godt sammen med mennesker, hvis baggrund adskiller sig fra min egen.
Til trods for min relativt unge alder, er jeg sikker på, at jeg vil være i stand til at udfylde rollen, som den imødekommende og hjælpsomme lektiehjælper.
Jeg laver quizzer, læse øvelser med mere.
With me as your tutor, a Danish lesson usually lasts an hour and includes a mix of oral and written exercises. I typically create my own teaching materials, which include quizzes, translation exercises, reading exercises, and conversation exercises. A typical lesson would focus on a single topic or theme, such as how to order off a menu in Danish, how to introduce yourself, or how to count, depending on your preferences. As I take a personal and unique approach to my work with each student, the lesson can be tailored to your specific needs and interests. There is a great deal of importance to the student-teacher relationship. I offer lessons to people of all ages and backgrounds. Although I have mostly tutored young people between the ages of 10 and 25, I highly encourage adults to contact me as well. As a tutor, I have experience working with dyslexic and autistic children. Furthermore, I have experience teaching young refugees. Past students included secondary and primary school students as well as people working outside of academia, such as construction workers. I have been teaching Danish and English lessons for about four years now. As a Master's student of English at Aberdeen University, I am fluent in both English and Danish.